Foxes (Year 3)


Autumn Term 1

Foxes Class Photo edit

We are delighted to welcome you to the Fabulous Foxes class for an exciting year filled with lots of fun and exciting adventures together. Here you will find everything you need to know about your child's learning journey. Please check this web-page regularly for any updates and all things class related.
We can't wait for our journey to begin!
Mrs Kesterton, Mrs Taylor & Miss Woodfield

Rolling Stones

We have started the academic year by travelling back to a time before the birth of Christ, rolling all the way back to The Stone Age! The children have created our very own class cave display, using cave art pictures of Stone age animals. As historians, we have been discussing the threats and assets to the people who lived during this very hard era.

This week we have been planning our pupil led Prayer & Liturgy sessions. The Palaeolithic Team created a thoughtful service with the theme of 'New Beginnings'. It was wonderful to see the children asking questions and reading the 'Creation Story' aloud to the rest of the class. Well done team! 

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Currciculum Morning with Parents/Carers!

Families enjoyed a delightful Year 3 curriculum morning with their children. Parents had the chance to witness their child's progress in writing, reading, and maths. They explored a variety of activities, dived into captivating stories, and unraveled mathematical mysteries, all while bonding over their educational journey. It was a wonderful opportunity to connect with their child's education in a fun and interactive way.

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Digital Art VS Sketchbooks 

In Year 3, the children enjoyed a lesson where they compared drawing using a laptop to a pencil in their sketchbooks. They had a discussion about which method they found easier and what the laptop allowed them to do that was different from using a pencil. It was an engaging exploration of art and technology.

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Black History Month: Dr. Maggie Aderin-Pocock

Year 3 students completed their Black History Month project on Dr. Maggie Aderin-Pocock. They explored her inspiring journey and significant contributions, deepening their understanding of her remarkable achievements. A wonderful celebration of diversity and learning!
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Pre-historic animals
During a captivating Year 3 art lesson, children sketched prehistoric animals with great enthusiasm. Once their drawings were complete, they embarked on a unique transformation. They gently rubbed a tea bag over their artwork, giving it an aged, weathered appearance. This hands-on activity not only honed their artistic skills but also transported them back in time, making history come alive on paper.

Stone Henge Playdough Models
In a creative session, Year 3 children used playdough to craft models of Stonehenge. They molded the iconic stone circle, bringing history to life through their imaginative creations. It was a hands-on journey back in time, sparking their curiosity and artistic flair.

The Foxes have been busy crafting skeletons using cotton buds. Through this hands-on activity, they learned about the three types of skeletons: endoskeleton, exoskeleton, and hydrostatic skeleton, deepening their understanding of the different bones in their body, while having a fantastic time being creative.

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Stone Age Homework
The Foxes Class have worked exceptionally hard to complete their Stone Age homework. They showcased their newfound knowledge and creativity, bringing the past to life through their projects. A fantastic journey through time and learning! It was fantastic to see the time and effort they put into creating such wonderful work.

Portias Spiders!
The Foxes drew the intricate Portia spider and skillfully added colour and texture using paint and chalk. Alongside their stunning artwork, they wrote a captivating non-chronological report about these fascinating creatures. This engaging blend of art and writing ignited their curiosity and creativity, resulting in a fantastic exploration of the natural world.

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Autumn Term 2


Week 12 Challenge words 01.12.23 WEBSITE

Curriculum Letter

Curriculum Letter Victorians 23 24

Subject Information Year 3


Homework Victorians

Knowledge Organisers

Science- Forces and Magnets

Knowledge organiser Forces and Magnets

Knowledge organiser Forces and Magnets BACK

History- Victorians

Vile Victorians Knowledge Organiser

Welcome to Vile Victorians

Step into the fascinating world of the 'Vile Victorians' with our new class topic! Transport yourself back in time as we delve into the quirks and curiosities of this historical era. To kick things off, we'll be crafting Victorian lanterns using collage techniques, and exploring the intricate architecture of the time by creating Victorian houses with chalk and black paper. Join us on this exciting journey as we uncover the peculiarities and innovations of the Victorian age!

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The children stepped back in time with a trip to The Black Country Museum. They experienced what life would have been like for the very few fortunate children that had the opportunity to attend school. They couldn't believe you had to pay!

We had fun playing a selection of Victorian games, such as egg and cup and hop-scotch. We visited the homes of Harry, Lilian and Samuel. We contemplated how fortunate we are at not having to share a bathroom with up to eight other families or use a 'guzunder!'

The children had an excellent time and were a credit to St Peter's.

Odd sock edit

Anti bullying poster and poem

To kick off Anti-bullying week, we all came to school wearing odd socks! This helped remind us that every one is different but we're all the same. We discussed the importance of kindness and that we should look out for each other.

This years Anti-bullying theme is 'Make a Noise', we have each designed a 'Make a Noise' super hero and we have created a class poem to help spread the important message we have learnt about Anti-bullying.

A visit from Pudsey Bear!

We were fortunate to have a visit from Pudsey Bear. A big thank you to the children for donating money to Children in Need.

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Victorian Art

Our talented Year 3's have been on an incredible artistic journey, combining their historical knowledge with their budding art skills.  They skillfully drew their partner's portrait and cut out striking silhouettes reminiscent of the Victorian era. They then captured the essence of royalty by drawing a portrait of none other than Queen Victoria herself! Showcasing their attention to detail and creativity. 

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Pope Francis

In RE, the Foxes class have been working hard to write a response to one of Pope Francis' tweets. They were able to link this to our Virtues and Values, as well as our Catholic Social Teaching Principles. Enjoy reading some of their heart- warming responses.

RE 1

RE 2


Spring Term 1

Week 19 09.02.24 WEBSITE

Welcome back and a very happy new year!

In year 3, we will be continuing with our topic of the Vile Victorians. Check back soon to find out what we have been upto!

The Foxes have been extremely busy at the start of this half term! Our Year 3 production rehearsals are underway and looking amd sounding fabulous already. Not only have we been practising our lines, we have been getting arty with prop and scenery making.

When we're not singing or acting, we can be found chanting our Time Tables, especially our 3's and 4's in our Maths lessons.

In English, we have been predicting and writing an alternative ending to the short film

'Girl and Robot'. 

We have been thinking about forgiveness and reconciliation in our RE lessons, this term. We have also been thinking about our strengths. This is us celebrating our talents.






Spring Term 2

Welcome Back to Spring 2, Where we will be 'Rocking n Rolling'!

Week 24 - Challenge - 21.03.24

Foxes Spelling Quizzes - Week 23 - Suffix ly - 15.03.

Week 24 - Challenge - 21.03.24

Foxes Spelling Quizzes - Week 21 - 01.03.24 - Suffix 'ly'Foxes Spelling Quizzes - Week 20 - 23.02.24 - Suffix 'le'

Spring 2 - Rock 'N' Roll Curriculum OverviewScience Knowledge Organiser - Rock 'N' Roll

Humanities Knowledge Organiser - Rock 'N' Roll

Homework Spring 2 - Rock 'N' Roll

The children have kicked off Spring 2 with a brand new topic called 'Rock 'N' Roll', where they will be learning all about the earth beneath our feet. We will be exploring rocks and soils in Science and Volcanoes and eathquakes in our Topic and humaities lessons. Stay posted for more updates!


In our RHE lessons, the Foxes have used their acting skills to demonstrate the power of kindness and how our words and actions can have a damaging impact upon others.


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The Foxes have been comparing units of measure by using rules and metre sticks to measue objects within the classroom.


Measure 1Measure 2Measure 3

Measure 5Measure 4

Summer Term 1

Spellings - 26.04.24 - gue & que

Spellings - 03.05.24 - Digraph 'sc' makes 's' sound



Our Lady of Knock!

As May is the month of Mary, Year 3 have been learning about Our Lady of Knock. They have created some beautiful art work to display in school. The children have learnt many facts- maybe test their knowledge to see what interesting facts they could share with you!


Football rounders in the sunshine!

In the glorious sunshine, Year 3 have been playing a game of football rounders. They have used great teamwork and communication skills to try and gain as many points as possible. Well done Year 3!

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Plant Experiment!

As part of our continuing Science investigation, the Foxes have been measuring and watering 2 plants. One is a control plant that will have the essential ingredients for plant growth. The other plant will have everything that the control plant has, apart from light. The children have observed and measured the plants changes over time. Well done Scientists! Another week and we can see if our predictions were correct. 

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Breakfast on the shore!

The Foxes class have been busy recreating the Bible story 'Breakfast on the shore'. They enjoyed playing the role of the Disciples in their boats. However, having breakfast with Jesus definitely topped it! Well done Foxes class, you were able to discuss the thoughts and feelings the Disciples would have felt when they saw Jesus again!

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Buna Ziua

Bonjour! Ola! Ciao! Hello! The Foxes have started their Geography topic by identifying and naming the countries and capital cities of Europe. They then zoomed into Romania.  They used printed maps and Google maps to find and identify different physical and human features.  The children enjoyed looking into the crater of Pâclele Mari and at the busy streets of Bucharest.


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Faiths Around The World

The Foxes have continued their Faith Journey exploring Hinduism. They have created have celebrated the rich culture and vibrant colors of Hinduism by creating Chitrakala art paintings. Using primary colours and black fineliner outlines. The results are fantastic!

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We have continued to learn about Hindu Puja and Mandir's and Home Worship Shrines.

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We start our Journey by exploring 'Faiths Around the World', in year 3 we learn about the Hinduism Religion. The Foxes class began knowledge building by asking 'I wonder...' questions. We then researched a selection of Hindu deities. 

Here are a few pictures of where our journey began, check back for more pictures to follow...

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Fairy Tales, Furry Tails & Burro Tails


Once upon a time, in a classroom not so far away, a magical journey awaits the Foxes class. As the gentle breeze whispered secrets through the windows, a new topic unfurled its petals before their curious minds. Welcome, dear travelers, to the enchanting realm of "Fairy Tales, Furry Tails, and Burro Tails."

In this wondrous land, where stories come alive and imagination knows no bounds, our young adventurers will embark on a quest like no other. Together, we shall delve into the ancient pages of fairy tales.

But beware, for lurking amidst the tales are creatures of the wild – wolves with eyes as sharp as moonlight, prowling through the forests of our imagination. Fear not, for with knowledge as our shield and wisdom as our guide, we shall uncover the mysteries of these majestic creatures and learn of their ways.

Yet, our journey does not end there, for in the heart of the enchanted woods, where sunlight filters through the canopy, lies another treasure to be discovered – the secrets of plants. From the humble daisy to the towering oak, each has a story to tell, and we shall listen with open hearts and eager minds.

Welcome, one and all, to a world where fairy tales, furry tails, and burro tails intertwine, where dreams take flight, and where every moment is filled with the promise of adventure. Let the journey begin...


Fairy Tales, Furry Tails & Burro Tails Curriculum Letter

Fairy Tales, Furry Tails & Burro Tails HomeworkScience Plants Knowledge Organiser

Fairy Tales, Furry Tails & Burro Tails Knowledge Organiser

World School Knowledge Organiser

Hinduism Knowledge Organiser


Summer Term 2
