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Owls (Year 4)


Autumn Term 1

This week's spellings are:

Year 4 spellings 26.10.23

Knowledge Organisers
Autumn 1 Ancient Egypt Knowledge Organiser    Autumn 1 Teeth and Digestion Knowledge Organiser

Autumn Term 2

This week's spellings are:

Year 4 spellings 14.12.23


Knowledge Organisers

Autumn 2 ElectricityAutumn 2 Romans







Advent wreath making at St. Bede's

Our Year 4 liturgical leaders spent the afternoon at St. Bede's making an Advent wreath for our school. They had a wonderful afternoon and were fabulous ambassadors for St. Peter's. 

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The Owls and Woodpeckers had a rocking time taking part in the MAC Year 4 TTRS day. Their outfits were fantastic and got them in the mood for plenty of awesome times tables practise. Well done all - keep up the super work! 

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Spring Term 2

Year 4 spellings - quiz date 21.3.24

Welcome Back Owls! We are now in Spring 2! We have many exciting topics coming up this half-term. We will keep you updated.

Happy Easter from the Owls!

Easter bonnets

Holy Week - Palm Sunday

As part of our learning about Holy Week, the Owls re-enacted the story of Palm Sunday. They learned about the significance of palm leaves being used to greet Jesus as he rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. They thought about how they may have felt if they were in the crowd, and also about those people who were not so happy to see Jesus. 

Palm Sunday

World Book Day

We have had a fabulous day celebrating World Book Day! Throughout the day we have enjoyed a World Book Day assembly with the Masked Reader, had lots of opportunities to "Stop, Drop and Read", designed a book cover, participated in a book swap and viewed everyone's super book character paper plates. What a fantastic day and all while wearing our pyjamas!


Jesus in the Wliderness Artwork

The Owls have been thinking about what it was like for Jesus to be tempted in the desert. They thought about times they'd been tempted to do the wrong thing and how we can all try to make good choices. Look at some of the creative and reflective artwork they have created using chalk pastels. 

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Summer Term 1

Year 4 spellings - quiz date 10.5.24

Year 4 spellings - quiz date 3.5.24

Year 4 spellings - quiz date 26.4.24

Year 4 spellings - quiz date 19.4.24


Inspirational animal art

The Owls have started looking at the amazing artwork by Gary Hodges. They were truly astounded and inspired by the pictures he has created using just pencil. Watch this space to see their own artwork inspired by the animals of the Amazon Rainforest!IMG 9471IMG 9472IMG 9473IMG 9474IMG 9475




Week Beginning 15th April 2024

This week in RE the Owls have drawn their very own triptych (a painting made up of three sections). They had the risen Christ in the middle section and a character from the Easter story before and after discovering Jesus was alive​. Then we discussed the thoughts and feelings of the disciples before and after Jesus’ ascension to heaven.

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Faiths Around the World Week

During our whole school 'Faiths Around the World week', Year 4 focussed on Judaism. The Owls were very busy learning about the main beliefs and the signs and symbols of Judaism. Later in the week, we enjoyed learning a Jewish dance.

We also learnt about the ‘Hanukiah’ which is lit during the Jewish festival of light “Hanukkah” which lasts for eight days. We used oil pastels to create our own Hanukaih. Here are some of the pictures we created. 

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Week Beginning 8th April 2024

We have started the term by looking carefully at illustrations from our new storybook to make inferences about the plot and characters. We used role play to create dialogue between the characters. We then correctly punctuated this using inverted commas and other speech punctuation to tell our section of the story.



Welcome to the Summer Term Owls!

Get ready for a term full of exciting learning and adventures! 

Have a look at the curriculum information to discover what we will be learning about.

Year 4 Knowledge Organiser - Living ThingsYear 4 Knowledge Organiser - Rainforests

Year 4 Knowledge Organiser - Judaism

Year 4 Curriculum Letter - SummerYear 4 Homework - Moving On

Role Play and Speech Punctuation

We have started the term by looking carefully at illustrations from our new storybook to make inferences about the plot and characters. Today we used role play to create dialogue between the characters. We then correctly punctuated this using inverted commas and other speech punctuation to tell our section of the story.

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Summer Term 2
