Squirrels (Year 2)


Autumn Term 1







Here are your Homework Activities for the Autumn Term




Welcome to Year 2

We are very excited to be in Squirrel Class. 

Please check here for regular updates and to see what we have been up to. 



Autumn Term 2






Don't forget to complete some Homework Activities. We are looking forward to seeing some more of your fantastic creations and hearing your super poetry recital. 



Welcome back!

The half term ahead is full of reflection and anticipation as we celebrate the season of Advent and prepare for our Christmas celebrations. We can't wait to share it with you. 

Mrs Rowe, Mrs Ottley & Mrs Masterson

Spring Term 1

Year 2 Spellings - Quiz Date 9.2.24Year 2 Spellings - Quiz Date 2.2.24

Year 2 Spellings - Quiz Date 26.1.24


Year 2 Spellings - Quiz Date 19.1.24



Squirrel Class were very reverent during a class prayer and reflection today.  They though about special people, places and memories and drew or wrote about them on prayer flowers.  They said their own prayers in the silence of their hearts, knowing that Jesus was listening to them. 

                                                                                  IMG 6752    

Thank you to the super Squirrels, who performed their wonderful class assembly this morning to pupils, teachers and parents They spoke clearly as they reminded us about making the right choices, and that we all have the choice to follow Jesus, the light of our world. Well done Squirrels, we are very proud of you!

                                                                                   IMG 6746

What a fabulous 'WOW' in for our Great Fire of London topic! The Squirrels became bakers for the morning and made some delicious bread. They practiced their skills of measuring, mixing and kneading to make their very own bread roll. The best part of the day was definitely the taste test! Great work Squirrels!


                                     Img 6735 Img 6658Img 6656

Happy New Year! 

Get ready to fuel the flames of curiosity and ignite the great fire of learning! Just like a well-tended fire warms us, learning has the power to light up our minds and our classroom. We can’t wait see the sparks of enthusiasm and see the flames of understanding grow as we delve into this term’s topic of ‘The Great Fire of London’! Here's to a term filled with laughter, learning and the joy of discovery.


Curriculum Overview - The Great Fire of London - Year 2

Homework - The Great Fire of London - Year 2

The Great Fire of London - Knowledge Organiser

Materials - Knowledge Organiser - Science

Spring Term 2

Happy Easter

Holy Week

The children have enjoyed activities based on Holy Week thinking about the events of Palm Sunday and the feelings of those at the Last Supper. Squirrel Class were very reverent while walking around the Stations of the Cross, remembering Jesus' last journey.


Last Supper 2  Last Supper 1

Hosanna 2   Hosanna 1          IMG 7102  IMG 7112


                 Clay Tiles

         The squirrels have enjoyed exploring the work of Hilke MacIntyre.They studied her work and designed and made their own clay tiles!


Emoji 3    Tiles 2   Tiles 3 

 Tiles 4   Tiles 5


Common Exception Words - Please Practise


Fire Safety

The Squirrels discussed the importance of Fire Safety and made some information posters to share with others. 


IMG 7046 FS1 IMG 7040 IMG 7042 IMG 7044

IMG 7043 KQ IMG 7041


Year 2 Spellings - Quiz Date 15.3.24

Year 2 Spellings - Quiz Date 8.3.24


The Sacrament of Reconciliation

The Hedgehogs and Squirrels have been learning about the Sacrament of Reconciliation. They went to church to look at the Confessional, talk about the role of the priest and to hear the prayers said.

IMG 6906 IMG 6908 IMG 6909

IMG 6910 IMG 6911 IMG 6913 IMG 6916 IMG 6918


Great Fire of London Drama

The Squirrels went back in time to1666 during our drama lesson. They lifted their heavy bundle of precious possessions up onto their backs and made their own zig-zagging pathway to escape the fire. In partners, they created a rhythmic chopping action as if they were hitting the houses’ wooden timbers with imaginary axes and heaved long handled iron hooks to pull down the thatch roof together. They then found a space to perform less energetic flickering flame movements and eventually, the fire went out.


IMG 6942 IMG 6951 IMG 6952 IMG 6953

IMG 6954 IMG 6956 IMG 6957 IMG 6959 IMG 6964


Year 2 Spellings - Quiz Date 1.3.24

Year 2 Spellings - Quiz Date 23.2.24


Welcome back, let the adventure begin!


Curriculum Overview - The Great Fire of London - Year 2

Homework - The Great Fire of London - Year 2

Materials - Knowledge Organiser - Science

The Great Fire of London - Knowledge Organiser - Humanities

Summer Term 1

Year 2 Spellings - Quiz Date 10.5.24

Equivalent Fractions

This week we have started learning all about equivalent fractions in Maths. 

IMG 7266 2  IMG 7268 2  IMG 7269 2 

 IMG 7277 2  IMG 7278 2  IMG 7281 2    IMG 7285 2


Year 2 Spellings - Quiz Date 3.5.24


Our Needs and Wants

We have started to think about our needs and wants. We decided whether different items are those that we need in order to survive, or those that we might want, but don't necessarily need. 


IMG 7262

 IMG 7263 Pshe


Year 2 Spellings - Quiz Date 26.4.24




Rainbow Spellings

Who knew practising spellings could be so much fun?! One of our Year 2 spelling groups went onto the playground with chalks in hand and they practised the sounds in their new spellings for this week! Some of the children said "We loved writing our spellings in rainbow colours on the playground. It was brilliant!"


IMG 7196 1 IMG 7197 1  IMG 7190 1 IMG 7191 1 IMG 7192 1


Alphabet Alliteration

The Squirrels have eagerly explored using alliteration in their English work. They enjoyed a game of alphabet alliteration before crafting their own alliterative sentences about different weather types. Through this playful journey, the children discovered the power of language and the beauty of alliteration.  Great work Squirrels!

IMG 7164     IMG 7168   IMG 7183  IMG 7185  IMG 7186



Year 2 loved their morning of Bhangra dancing! Originating from the heart of Punjab, where the Sikh religion was founded by Guru Nanak, Bhangra isn't just a dance, it's a celebration of culture and rhythm. Watching the Squirrels and Hedgehogs immerse themselves in the infectious beats and energetic movements of Bhangra was fabulous. Well done, Year 2! 

IMG 7282  IMG 7312   IMG 7248  IMG 7251   

IMG 7284 IMG 7270  IMG 7253  IMG 7267


             IMG 7263  IMG 7311 IMG 7281

Year 2 Spellings - Quiz Date 19.4.24


Welcome to the Summer Term, Year 2 Superstars!

Get ready to embark on an exciting journey filled with sunshine, laughter and adventures, diving into exciting new topics that will spark your curiosity and imagination.


Curriculum Overview - Out and About 

Maps - Knowledge Organiser - Geography

Animals Including Humans - Knowledge Organiser - Science

Sikhism - Knowledge Organiser - RE

Homework - Out and About

Summer Term 2
